The China quarterly : an international journal for the study of China
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The China quarterly : an international journal for the study of China. - London : Contemporary China institute. - 24 cm. ((Trimestrale. - Inizia nel 1960. - L'editore varia. - Descrizione basata su: n. 69 (Mar. 1977). - URL: http://www.journals.cambridge.org
Legami con altri titoliinfo
- The making of a new working class? : a study of collective actions of migrant workers in South China | titolo analitico
- Guangzhouʼs democracy movement in cultural revolution perspective | titolo analitico
- Of women and washing machines : employment, housework, and the reproduction of motherhood in socialist China | titolo analitico
- Uygur performing arts in contemporary China | titolo analitico
- Reconstruction and rectification of the Communist party in the Shangai underground : 1931-1934. | titolo analitico
- "Temporary residence certificate" regulations in Wuhan, May, 1983 | titolo analitico
- The concept of decentralization in document no. 1, 1984 | titolo analitico
- The political implications of document No. 1, 1984 | titolo analitico
- The basis for Chinese agricultural growth in the 1980s and 1990s : a comment on document No. 1, 1984 | titolo analitico
- The economics of the "Second land reform" in China | titolo analitico
- Circular of the Central committee of the Chinese Communist party on rural work during 1984. | titolo analitico
- The cadre management system, post-Mao : the appointment, promotion, transfer and removal of party and state leaders | titolo analitico
- Political power and authority in recent Chinese literature | titolo analitico
- Chen Duxiu and Leon Trotsky : new light on their relationship | titolo analitico
- Dual leadership and the 1956 credit reforms of the Peopleʼs bank of China | titolo analitico
- The Baogan Daohu incentive system : translation and analysis of a model contract | titolo analitico
- Economics as an academic discipline at Nanjing university | titolo analitico
- Two purged leaders of early Chinese communism | titolo analitico
- Rural marketing in China : repression and revival | titolo analitico
- Rural violence in Socialist China | titolo analitico
- The principle of human rights in nationalist China : John C. H. Wu and the ideological origins of the 1946 constitution | titolo analitico
- The Lock of the heart controversy in Taiwan, 1962-63 : a question of artistic freedom and a writer's social responsibility | titolo analitico
- Anna Louise Strong : three interviews with chairman Mao Zedong | titolo analitico
- Women writers | titolo analitico
- Urban population growth and urbanization in China since 1949 : reconstruction a baseline | titolo analitico
- Evolution of urban collective enterprises in China | titolo analitico
- The controversy over modernism : 1979-1984 | titolo analitico
- After comradeship : personal relations in China since the cultural revolution | titolo analitico
- A comparative approach to the cultural dynamics of Sino-Western educational co-operation | titolo analitico
- The troubled life and after-life of a Guangxi Communist : some notes on Li Mingrui and the Communist Movement in Guangxi province before 1949 | titolo analitico
- The zigs and zags in the treatment of intellectuals | titolo analitico
- Prosperity and conflict in post-Mao rural China | titolo analitico
- The politics of foreign economic policy-making in China : the case of plant cancellations with Japan | titolo analitico
- Enterprise autonomy policy in Post-Mao China : a case study of policy-making : 1978-1983 | titolo analitico
- The radio and television universities and the development of higher education in China | titolo analitico
- Woman revolutionary : Xiang Jingyu | titolo analitico
- The national CCP conference of september 1985 and China's leadership changes | titolo analitico
- Appraising the revival of historical studies in China | titolo analitico
- On Chinese pragmatism in the 1980s | titolo analitico
- The Zunyi conference as one step in Maoʼs rise to power : a survey of historical studies of the Chinese Communist party | titolo analitico
- Peasant grain marketing and state procurement : Chinaʼs grain contracting system | titolo analitico
- Modernization and Chinese culture in Hong Kong | titolo analitico
- The "Long march" of Chinese management education : 1979-1984 | titolo analitico
- Recent changes in Chinaʼs pure trade theory | titolo analitico
- Reform of state enterprise management in China | titolo analitico
- The politics of destabilization and confrontation : the campaign against Lin Biao and Confucius in Zhejiang province : 1974 | titolo analitico
- Plans for constitutional reform in Hong Kong : 1946-52 | titolo analitico
- Zhou Enlaiʼs diplomacy and the neutralization of Indo-China : 1954-55 | titolo analitico
- The current state of contemporary Chinese studies in Japan | titolo analitico
- The organization of publishing in China | titolo analitico
- Remarks on a review of Peng Shuzhi's memoirs | titolo analitico
- Gregor Benton replies. | titolo analitico
- Reassessing the cultural revolution | titolo analitico
- The limits of cataclysmic change : reflections on the place of the "Great proletarian cultural revolution" in the political development of the Peopleʼs Republic of China | titolo analitico
- The performance of industry during the cultural revolution : second thoughts | titolo analitico
- From "revisionism" to "alienation," from Great Leaps to "Third wave" | titolo analitico
- A province at war : Guangxi during the Sino-Japanese conflict : 1937-1945 | titolo analitico
- From conflict to quiescence : the Kuomintang, party factionalism and local elites in Jiangsu : 1927-31 | titolo analitico
- Liberation and understanding : new books on the uncertain status of women in the Chinese revolution | titolo analitico
- Sino-Japanese economic co-operation | titolo analitico
- Wage reform and the web of factory interests | titolo analitico
- The place of Chinese disunity in Japanese army strategy during 1931 | titolo analitico
- The question of interests in the Chinese policy making process | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs senior middle schools in a social perspective : a survey of Yantai district, Shandong province | titolo analitico
- Urbanization in China since 1949 | titolo analitico
- Kam Wing Chan replies : further information about China's urban population statistics : old and new. | titolo analitico
- China and the world bank | titolo analitico
- Household expenditure patterns in Tianjiin : 1982 and 1984 | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs higher curricular reform in historical perspective | titolo analitico
- Before silence : Qin Zhaoyangʼs early short stories : 1940-57 | titolo analitico
- The abortive liberation of Taiwan | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs national security research bureaucracy | titolo analitico
- The politics of economic reform in Chinese industry : the introduction of the labour contract system | titolo analitico
- Commercialized technology transfer in China 1981-86 : the impact of science and technology policy reforms | titolo analitico
- Controversies over Tibet : China versus India : 1947-49 | titolo analitico
- The legacy of Sun Yat-senʼs railway plans | titolo analitico
- Graduates of Chinese universities : adjusting the total | titolo analitico
- Reflections on the long march | titolo analitico
- Benjamin Yang replies. | titolo analitico
- The reform of agricultural marketing in China since 1978 | titolo analitico
- The origins of the second united front : the Comintern and the Chinese Communist party | titolo analitico
- Rural finance in China | titolo analitico
- Analysis of wages and bonus payments among Tianjin urban workers | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs Three Gorges dam : questions and prospects | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 1987 | titolo analitico
- China after the 13th congress | titolo analitico
- Assault on the reforms : conservative criticism of political and economic liberalization in China : 1985-86 | titolo analitico
- Unequal chances, unequal outcomes : pension reform and urban inequality | titolo analitico
- New estimates of fixed investment and capital stock for Chinese state industry | titolo analitico
- Teaching morality in Taiwan schools : the message of the textbooks | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 1988 | titolo analitico
- The third front : defence industrialization in the Chinese interior | titolo analitico
- The urban housing problem in China | titolo analitico
- Policing modern Shangai | titolo analitico
- The Chinese work-study movement in France | titolo analitico
- Developments in Tibetan studies in China today | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs energy programme up to the year 2000 : aspiration or reality? | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 1988 | titolo analitico
- The evolution of agricoltural policy | titolo analitico
- Trends in the value of agricoltural output : 1978-86 | titolo analitico
- Trends in crop production : 1978-86 | titolo analitico
- Food consumption and peasant incomes in the post-Mao era | titolo analitico
- Agricultural planning and pricing in the post-Mao period | titolo analitico
- Agricultural organization : new forms, new contradictions | titolo analitico
- Rural employment trends and the legacy of surplus labour : 1978-86 | titolo analitico
- Developments in agricultural technology | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 1988 | titolo analitico
- Major determinants of Chinaʼs fertility transition | titolo analitico
- The role of the higher education sector in Chinaʼs research and development system | titolo analitico
- Social harmony, family and women in Chinese novels : 1948-58 | titolo analitico
- Shifting journalistic paradigms : editorial stance and political transition in Hong Kong | titolo analitico
- The Zunyi conference and further steps in Maoʼs rise to power | titolo analitico
- The salary structure, allowances and benefits of a Shanghai electronics factory | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle documentation : october-december 1988 | titolo analitico
- Who won the "wool war"? : a case study of rural product marketing in China | titolo analitico
- Factory and manager in an era of reform | titolo analitico
- From Lin Biao to Deng Xiaoping : elite instability and Chinaʼs U.S. Policy | titolo analitico
- The struggle between the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist party on campus during the war of resistance : 1937-45 | titolo analitico
- Social change and continuity in South China : overseas Chinese and the Guan lineage of Kaiping country : 1949-87 | titolo analitico
- The 13th party congress of the Kuomintang : towards political competition | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 1989 | titolo analitico
- The Maoist legacy and Chinaʼs new industrialization strategy | titolo analitico
- 40 years on : provincial contrasts in Chinaʼs rural economic development | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs governance : political reform in a turbulent environment | titolo analitico
- The peopleʼs republic of China at 40 : foreign relations | titolo analitico
- The Chinese legal system : reforms in the balance | titolo analitico
- Chinese social welfare : policies and outcomes | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs drive to close the technological gap : S&T reform and the imperative to catch up | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 1989 | titolo analitico
- Chinese civil service reform : the 13th party congress proposals | titolo analitico
- Small towns and Chinaʼs urbanization level | titolo analitico
- Household durable goods ownership in Tianjin, China | titolo analitico
- Images of women in the fiction of Zhang Jie and Zhang Xinxin | titolo analitico
- Sino-Vatican diplomatic relations : problems and prospects | titolo analitico
- Aspects of political development in Macao | titolo analitico
- The fourth and fifth plenary sessions of the 13th CCP central committee | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 1989 | titolo analitico
- Elite transformation and modern change in mainland China and Taiwan : empirical data and the theory of technocracy | titolo analitico
- Planning and interprovincial co-ordination in Maoist China | titolo analitico
- The rise in female education in China : national and regional patterns | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs decision to enter the Korean war : history revisited | titolo analitico
- Warlordism versus federalism : the revival of a debate? | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 1989 | titolo analitico
- The evolution of the one-child policy in Shaanxi : 1979-88 | titolo analitico
- Patterns of Chinaʼs regional development strategy | titolo analitico
- The Chinese Communist party and international affairs : a field report on new historical sources and old research problems | titolo analitico
- Invisible inequalities : the status of Subei people in contemporary Shangai | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs returned scholars and the democracy movement | titolo analitico
- New light on Sino-Soviet relations : the memoir of China's ambassador to Moscow : 1955-62 | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 1990 | titolo analitico
- Patterns of elite strife and succession in Chinese politics | titolo analitico
- Web of interests and patterns of behaviour of Chinese local economic bureaucracies and enterprises during reforms | titolo analitico
- Fang Lizhiʼs expanding universe | titolo analitico
- The return of advertising in China : a survey of the ideological reversal | titolo analitico
- The death penalty in post-mao China | titolo analitico
- The last battle : Mao and the internationalistsʼ fight for the Liberation Daily | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 1990 | titolo analitico
- An overview of relations between China and Japan : 1895-1945 | titolo analitico
- Chinese-Japanese relations : 1945-90 | titolo analitico
- Sino-Japanese controversy since the 1972 diplomatic normalization | titolo analitico
- China, Japan and economic interdependence in the Asia Pacific region | titolo analitico
- Plant and technology contracts and the changing pattern of economic interdependence between China and Japan | titolo analitico
- The Sino-Japanese relationship and East Asian security : patterns and implications /Jonathan D. Pollack. | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 1990 | titolo analitico
- The evolution of central-provincial fiscal relations in China : 1971-1984 : the formal system | titolo analitico
- Negotiation of the 17 august 1982 U.S.-PRC arms communiqué : Beijingʼs negotiating tactics | titolo analitico
- The Indian factor in recent Sino-Soviet relations | titolo analitico
- "Plucking the China brand from the burning" : Britainʼs economic assistance to China and Sir Otto Niemeyerʼs mission : 1940-1942 | titolo analitico
- Chinese politics and the new theory of "Rule of law" | titolo analitico
- The initial Soviet reaction to the events in China in 1989 and the prospects for Sino-Soviet relations | titolo analitico
- Wages, benefits, and the promotion process for Chinese university faculty | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 1990 | titolo analitico
- Hu Yaobang's intellectual network and the theory conference of 1979 | titolo analitico
- The 1978 truth criterion controversy | titolo analitico
- Multiple labour markets in the industrial state enterprise sector | titolo analitico
- Power change, co-optation, accommodation : Xinhua and the press in transitional Hong Kong | titolo analitico
- Transfigured community : neo-traditionalism and work unit socialism in China | titolo analitico
- A reply to Womack | titolo analitico
- The Chinese television system and television news | titolo analitico
- Electric power production in Pre-1937 China | titolo analitico
- Zhangʼs hat on Liʼs head : a chronic case of quid pro quo in the history case | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 1991 | titolo analitico
- The state and the individual : an overview interpretation | titolo analitico
- Workers, managers and the state : the reform era and the political crisis of 1989 | titolo analitico
- The peasant and the state | titolo analitico
- The soldier and the state in China : the political work system in the peopleʼs liberation army | titolo analitico
- The intellectual and the state : social dynamics of intellectual autonomy during the Post-mao era | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 1991 : Robert F. Ash. | titolo analitico
- Youth and the state | titolo analitico
- Central-local relations in an era of fiscal decline : the paradox of fiscal decentralization in post-Mao China | titolo analitico
- Internationalizing Chinaʼs countryside : the political economy of exports from rural industry | titolo analitico
- China learns to ocmpromise : change in U.S.-China relations : 1982-1984 | titolo analitico
- Power dependence and democratic transition : the case of Hong Kong | titolo analitico
- The past and the future of Hong Kongʼs constitution | titolo analitico
- Han and Tibetan residential patterns in Lhasa | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 1991 | titolo analitico
- Politics and policy in post-Mao cadre retirement | titolo analitico
- Strange bedfellows : the Communist party and Shanghaiʼs elite in the National Salvation movement | titolo analitico
- The campaign for agricultural development in the great leap forward : a study of policy-making and implementation in Liaoning | titolo analitico
- Sirens of the strongman : neo-authoritarianism in recent Chinese political theory | titolo analitico
- China and the Geneva conference of 1954 | titolo analitico
- Surviving the rough-and-tumble of presidential politics in an emerging democracy : the 1990 elections in the republic of China on Taiwan | titolo analitico
- Mao, Stalin, and the formation of the anti-Japanese united front : 1935-37 | titolo analitico
- Comment : Mao, the Comintern and the Second United front | titolo analitico
- Response : Mao and Stalin : adversaries or comrades? | titolo analitico
- Grain in Fujian : intra-provincial patterns of production and trade : 1952-1988 | titolo analitico
- Taiwanʼs national assembly elections | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 1991 | titolo analitico
- Reform from below : the private economy and local politics in the rural industrialization of Wenzhou | titolo analitico
- Introduction : rural economic reforms and Chinese family patterns | titolo analitico
- Aspects of marriage in three South-western villages | titolo analitico
- Land divided, land united | titolo analitico
- Family management and family division in contemporary China | titolo analitico
- Patrilocality and early marital co-residence in rural China : 1955-85 | titolo analitico
- Defining Chinaʼs rural population | titolo analitico
- Corruption and its shadow : an anthropological view of corruption in China | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 1992 | titolo analitico
- Macroeconomic issues in China in the 1990s | titolo analitico
- The agricultural sector in China : performance and policy dilemmas during the 1990s | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs industrial performance since 1978 | titolo analitico
- The energy situation in China | titolo analitico
- Foreign investment and economic change in China | titolo analitico
- Chinese foreign trade | titolo analitico
- Consumption and living standards in China | titolo analitico
- The changing role of oil in Chinese exports : 1974-89 | titolo analitico
- A private bank in China : Hui Tong Urban Co-operative bank | titolo analitico
- Stability, growth and reform : recent performance and prospects for the Chinese economy in the 1990s | titolo analitico
- Economic growth in China between the wars | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 1992 | titolo analitico
- The ubiquitous role of the Mishu in Chinese politics | titolo analitico
- The secret history of the Hakkas : the Chinese revolution as a Hakka enterprise | titolo analitico
- The search for modernity : Chinese intellectual discourse and society : 1978-88 : the case of Li Zehou | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs push through the South China sea : the interaction of bureaucratic and national interests | titolo analitico
- Household income and its distribution in China | titolo analitico
- Job mobility in post-Mao cities : increases on the margins | titolo analitico
- Bargaining success of Chinese factories | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs arms merchants : profits in command | titolo analitico
- Masculinities and minorities : alienation in "Strange tales from strange lands" | titolo analitico
- The fourteenth party congress : a programme for authoritarian rule | titolo analitico
- Social science theories in search of Chinese realities | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 1992 | titolo analitico
- The Chinese Communist party and the collapse of Soviet Communism | titolo analitico
- Intellectual activism in China during the 1940s : Wu Han in the United Front and the Democratic League | titolo analitico
- The lessons of defeat : the reorganization of the Kuomintang on Taiwan : 1950-52 | titolo analitico
- China and the first Indo-China war : 1950-54 | titolo analitico
- Xinjiang, Central Asia and the implications for Chinaʼs policy in the Islamic world | titolo analitico
- Xinjiang and the Great Islamic circle : the impact of transnational forces on Chinese regional economic planning | titolo analitico
- Understanding revolutionary China | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 1992 | titolo analitico
- Swords into market shares : Chinaʼs conversion of military industry to civilian production | titolo analitico
- Local initiative and national reform : the Wenzhou model of development | titolo analitico
- The politics of agricultural mechanization in the post-Mao era : 1977-87 | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs universities since Tiananmen : a critical assessment | titolo analitico
- The effect of post-4 june re-education campaigns on Chinese students | titolo analitico
- A decade of crises at the institute of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought : 1979-89 | titolo analitico
- Glimpses inside Chinaʼs gulag | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 1993 | titolo analitico
- An introductory profile : Deng Xiaoping and Chinaʼs political culture | titolo analitico
- The making of a pragmatic Communist : the early life of Deng Xiaoping : 1904-49 | titolo analitico
- Deng Xiaoping : the politician | titolo analitico
- Deng Xiaoping : the economist | titolo analitico
- Deng Xiaoping : the social reformer | titolo analitico
- Deng Xiaoping : the soldier | titolo analitico
- Deng Xiaoping : the statesman | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 1993 | titolo analitico
- Shangaiʼs strike wave of 1957 | titolo analitico
- Faction versus ideology : mobilization strategies in Taiwanʼs elections | titolo analitico
- The political economy of cropping in Maoist and Dengist China : Hebei province and Shulu county : 1949-90 | titolo analitico
- Decision-making in Chinaʼs rural economy : the linkages between village leaders and farm households | titolo analitico
- Mao Zedong a hundred years on : the legacy of a ruler | titolo analitico
- Mao Zedong thoughts | titolo analitico
- The man, the myth, the message : new trends in Mao-literature from China | titolo analitico
- The Chinese discourse on civil society | titolo analitico
- Command communication : the politics of editorial formulation in the People's daily | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 1993 | titolo analitico
- Riding the tiger : legitimacy and legal culture in Post-Mao China | titolo analitico
- Agents and remonstrators : role accumulation by Chinese people's congress deputies | titolo analitico
- The erosion of Communist party control over lawmaking in China | titolo analitico
- Racial identities in china : context and meaning | titolo analitico
- Anti-black racism in post-Mao China | titolo analitico
- The 1988-89 Nanjing Anti-African protests : racial nationalism or national racism? | titolo analitico
- Strengthening central CCP control of leadership selection : the 1990 Nomenklatura | titolo analitico
- The Noulens affair | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 1994 | titolo analitico
- Introduction: the future of Chinese law | titolo analitico
- Tasselled loafers for barefoot lawyers : transformation and tension in the world of Chinese legal workers | titolo analitico
- How a bill becomes a law in China : stages and processes in lawmaking | titolo analitico
- The execution of civil judgments in China | titolo analitico
- Compartmentalized law and judicial restraint : an inductive view of some jurisdictional barriers to reform | titolo analitico
- The re-emergence of family law in post-Mao China : marriage, divorce and reproduction | titolo analitico
- Antagonist contradictions : criminal law and human rights in China | titolo analitico
- Foreign investment law in the Peopleʼs Republic of China : dilemmas of state control | titolo analitico
- Chinese participation in the International legal order : Rogue elephant or team player? | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 1994 | titolo analitico
- Keeping pace with a changing China : The China Quarterly at 35 | titolo analitico
- China in the first decade of reform and opening out : an edited view | titolo analitico
- The man in the middle | titolo analitico
- The years of great debate | titolo analitico
- The cultural revolution to Sino-American rapprochement | titolo analitico
- The founding of The China Quarterly | titolo analitico
- Nonfarm work and marketization of the Chinese countryside | titolo analitico
- Origins of the agricultural "miracle" : some evidence from Sichuan | titolo analitico
- The politics of lodging complaints in rural China | titolo analitico
- PLA allegiance on parade : civil-military relations in ransition | titolo analitico
- Who will feed China? | titolo analitico
- The security service for Chinese central leaders | titolo analitico
- Administrative monitoring in China | titolo analitico
- Scholarship and patriotic education : the great wall conference : 1994 | titolo analitico
- The true north strong : contemporary Chinese studies in Canada | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 1995 | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs transitional economy : interpreting its significance | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs economy on the Eve of reform | titolo analitico
- The social roots of Chinaʼs economic development | titolo analitico
- Redefining state, plan and market : China's reforms in agricultural commerce | titolo analitico
- The role of ownership and property rights in China's economic transition | titolo analitico
- The role of foreign trade and investment in China's economic transformation | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs macroeconomy in transition | titolo analitico
- China in transition : the political foundations of increment reform | titolo analitico
- The role of the local state in China's transitional economy | titolo analitico
- Implications of Chinaʼs reform experience | titolo analitico
- Grasping reform : economic logic, political logic, and the state-society spiral | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : July-september 1995 | titolo analitico
- Despite decentralization : disadvantages, dependence and ongoing central power in the inland : the case of Wuhan | titolo analitico
- Politically-engaged intellectuals in the Deng-Jiang era : a changing relationship with the party state | titolo analitico
- Family background, gender and educational attainment in urban China | titolo analitico
- The central case examination group : 1966-79 | titolo analitico
- Dang'an : contemporary Chinese archives | titolo analitico
- Chinese women and sport : success, sexuality and suspicion | titolo analitico
- China after Deng : ten scenarios in search of reality | titolo analitico
- Seeking the historical Mao | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 1995 | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs military in transition : politics, professionalism, procurement and power projection | titolo analitico
- Party-army relations in China : retrospect and prospect | titolo analitico
- The new officer corps : implications for the future | titolo analitico
- Demobilization : the dialectics of PLA troop reduction | titolo analitico
- The PLA and Chinese national security policy : leaderships, structures, processes | titolo analitico
- Current and future challenges facing Chinese defence industries | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs defence finance : content, process and administration | titolo analitico
- The PLAʼs evolving warfighting doctrine, strategy and tactics : 1985-95 : a Chinese perspective. | titolo analitico
- From continent to periphery : PLA doctrine, strategy and capabilities toward 2000 | titolo analitico
- Training tomorrowʼs PLA : a mixed bag of tricks | titolo analitico
- Guarding Chinaʼs domestic front line : the peopleʼs armed police and Chinaʼs stability | titolo analitico
- Prospects for Chinese nuclear force modernization : limited deterrence versus multilateral arms control | titolo analitico
- The military balance in the Taiwan straits | titolo analitico
- The PLA and Chinaʼs threat perceptions | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 1996 | titolo analitico
- Germany and China : a continental temptation | titolo analitico
- Reforming Chinaʼs coal industry | titolo analitico
- Distributional consequences of reforming local public finance in China | titolo analitico
- Rural housing and village transformation in Taiwan and Fujian | titolo analitico
- "Bridges" : private business, the Chinese government and the rise of new associations | titolo analitico
- The institutional process of market clientelism : Guanxi and private business in a South China city | titolo analitico
- Reproduction of Danwei institutional features in the context of Chinaʼs market economy : the case of Haidian districtʼs high-tech sector | titolo analitico
- The Economics weekly, the public space and the voices of Chinese independent intellectuals | titolo analitico
- Estimating Chinaʼs defence expenditure : some evidence from Chinese sources | titolo analitico
- The changing political attitudes of the senior bureaucrats in Hong Kongʼs transition | titolo analitico
- Contemporary China studies in Scandinavia | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 1996 | titolo analitico
- Exploring the complexities of contemporary Taiwan | titolo analitico
- The enduring influence of the republic of China on Taiwan today | titolo analitico
- A new Chinese civilization : the evolution of the Republic of China on Taiwan | titolo analitico
- Taiwan society at the fin de siecle | titolo analitico
- Cultural identiy and the politics of recognition in contemporary Taiwan | titolo analitico
- Building democracy in Taiwan | titolo analitico
- The Taiwan economy : the transition to maturity and the political economy of its changing international status | titolo analitico
- Charting Taiwanʼs technological future : the impact of globalization and regionalization | titolo analitico
- Taiwanʼs environment today | titolo analitico
- Taiwanʼs mainland policy : normalization, yes; reunification, later | titolo analitico
- Taiwanʼs security : maintaining deterrence amid political accountability | titolo analitico
- The International standing of the republic of China on Taiwan | titolo analitico
- America in Taiwanʼs post cold-war foreign relations | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 1996 | titolo analitico
- The fate of judicial independence in republican China : 1912-37 | titolo analitico
- Legislating womenʼs and childrenʼs "rights and interests" in the PRC | titolo analitico
- Transformation of a rural economy in the Zhujiang delta | titolo analitico
- The contradictory impact of reform on environmental protection in China | titolo analitico
- Economic reform and attainment in Basic education in China | titolo analitico
- Migration for and against agriculture in eight Chinese villages | titolo analitico
- Crime and punishment in post-liberation China : the prisoners of a Beijing gaol in the 1950s | titolo analitico
- The basic character of crime in contemporary China | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 1996 | titolo analitico
- The state of studies on Republican China | titolo analitico
- State and society in early republican politics : 1912-1918 | titolo analitico
- Reflections on Chinaʼs late 19th and early 20th-century economy | titolo analitico
- Civil society and urban change in Republican China | titolo analitico
- The evolution of republican government | titolo analitico
- The military in the republic | titolo analitico
- Shanghai modernity : commerce and culture in a republican city | titolo analitico
- A revisionist view of the Nanjing decade : Confucian fascism | titolo analitico
- The internationalization of China : foreign relations at home and abroad in the republican era | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 1997 | titolo analitico
- British views of the legacy of the colonial administration of Hong Kong : a preliminary assessment | titolo analitico
- The legacy of the British administration of Hong Kong : a view from Hong Kong | titolo analitico
- Hong Kong : a survey of its political and economic development over the past 150 years | titolo analitico
- Order and stability in social transition : neoconservative political thought in post-1989 China | titolo analitico
- Who friend, who enemy? Rewi Alley and the friends of China | titolo analitico
- Market reforms and provision of credit for grain purchases in China | titolo analitico
- A private ceremony to mourn Deng Tuo, Wu Han, Liao Mosha and Liu Ren | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 1997 | titolo analitico
- Chinese intellectualsʼ quest for national greatness and nationalistic writing in the 1990s | titolo analitico
- The stone group : state client or market pathbreaker? | titolo analitico
- Provincial discretion and national power : investment policy in Guangdong and Shanghai : 1978-93 | titolo analitico
- Stealing from the farmers : institutional corruption and the 1992 IOU crisis | titolo analitico
- Citizens v. Mandarins : administrative litigation in CHina | titolo analitico
- Institutional constraints on environmental management in urban China : environmental impact assessment in Guangzhou and Shanghai | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 1997 | titolo analitico
- China's militarized interstate dispute behaviour 1949-1992 : a first cut at the data | titolo analitico
- Criminal defence in China : the possible impact of the 1996 criminal procedural law reform | titolo analitico
- The literary association (Wenxue yanjiu hui, 1920-1947) and the literary field of early republican China | titolo analitico
- Cultural revolution conflict in the villages | titolo analitico
- Ethnic representation in the current Chinese leadership | titolo analitico
- The Sino-Vatican negotiations : old problems in a new context | titolo analitico
- The fifteenth national party congress : Jiang takes command? | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 1997 | titolo analitico
- Income and inequality in China : composition, distribution and growth of household income : 1988 to 1995 | titolo analitico
- The declining significance of Guanxi in Chinaʼs economic transition | titolo analitico
- Behind the scenes of the Xi'an incident : the case of the Lixingshe | titolo analitico
- The Chinese conception of national interests in international relations | titolo analitico
- Re-examining Chinaʼs "Urban" concept and the level of urbanization | titolo analitico
- Xiaopin : Chinese theatrical skits as both creatures and critics of commercialism | titolo analitico
- A place called Harbin : reflections on a centennial | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 1998 | titolo analitico
- Learning how to open the door : a reassessment of China's "Opening" strategy | titolo analitico
- Feeding Fujian : grain production and trade : 1986-1996 | titolo analitico
- Native place, migration and the emergence of peasant enclaves in Beijing | titolo analitico
- Old linkages, new networks : the globalization of overseas Chinese voluntary associations and its implications | titolo analitico
- Overseas Chinese investments in China : patterns of growth, diversification and finance : the case of Charoen Pokphand | titolo analitico
- Underreporting of births and infant deaths in rural China : evidence from field research in one country of Northern China | titolo analitico
- Provincial Peopleʼs congress | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 1998 | titolo analitico
- The environmental legacy of imperial China | titolo analitico
- The organization of environmental protection in China | titolo analitico
- Environmental regulation in the Peopleʼs Republic of China : the face of domestic law | titolo analitico
- China : environmental protection, domestic policy trends, patterns of participation in regimes and compliance with International norms | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs land resources, environment and agricultural production | titolo analitico
- Is China living on the water margin? | titolo analitico
- Environmental issues and the South-North water transfer scheme | titolo analitico
- Recent trends in forestry and conservation of biodiversity in China | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs energy and resource uses : continuity and change | titolo analitico
- Industrial pollution in China and remedial policies | titolo analitico
- Population, public health and the environment in China | titolo analitico
- Business opportunities for foreign firms related to China's environment | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 1998 | titolo analitico
- Beyond regional analysis : manufacturing zones, regional employment and spatial inequality in China | titolo analitico
- Self-employment in Shanghai : a research note | titolo analitico
- From organized dependence to disorganized despotism : changing labour regimes in Chinese factories | titolo analitico
- Human capital development in an emerging economy : the experience of Shenzhen, China | titolo analitico
- Chinese central-provincial fiscal relationships, budgetary decline and the impact of the 1994 fiscal reform : an evaluation | titolo analitico
- State repression and student protest in contemporary China | titolo analitico
- Dilemmas of "thought work" in fin-de-siecle China | titolo analitico
- Implementation of state family planning programmes in a northern Chinese village | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 1998 | titolo analitico
- Soldiers, weapons and Chinese development strategy : the Mao era military in Chinaʼs economic and institutional debate | titolo analitico
- Organizational changes of the PLA : 1985-1997 | titolo analitico
- Democratization and the environment : entrepreneurial politics and interest representation in Taiwan | titolo analitico
- Leaving Chinaʼs farms : survey results of new paths and remaining hurdles to rural migration | titolo analitico
- The call of Mao or money? : Han Chinese settlers on Chinaʼs south-western borders | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs agricultural land | titolo analitico
- Do the power sector reforms in China reflect the interests of consumers? | titolo analitico
- An unfinished battle in China : the leftist criticism of the reform and the third thought emancipation | titolo analitico
- Involuntary resettlement in rural China : the local view | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 1999 | titolo analitico
- The Peopleʼs Republic of China after 50 years | titolo analitico
- An overview of 50 years of the Peopleʼs Republic of China : some progress, but big problems remain | titolo analitico
- The Peopleʼs Republic of China at 50 : national political reform | titolo analitico
- Political movements, change and stability : the Chinese Communist Party in power | titolo analitico
- The Peopleʼs republic of China at 50 : the economy | titolo analitico
- Two decades of rural reform in CHina : an overview and assessment | titolo analitico
- Demolishing partitions : back to beginnings in the cities? | titolo analitico
- The environment in the Peopleʼs Republic of China 50 years on | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs foreign relations : the long march, future uncertain | titolo analitico
- The Peopleʼs liberation army and the Peopleʼs Republic at 50 : reform at last | titolo analitico
- The Chinese legal system : continuing commitment to the primacy of state power | titolo analitico
- Social welfare reform : trends and tensions | titolo analitico
- Politically-engaged intellectuals in the 1990s | titolo analitico
- Art in China since 1949 | titolo analitico
- Literary decorum or carnivalistic grotesque : literature in the people's Republic of China after 50 years | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 1999 | titolo analitico
- Macau : from Portuguese autonomous territory to Chinese special administrative region | titolo analitico
- The Hukou system and rural-urban migration in China : processes and changes | titolo analitico
- Outward foreign direct investment : a novel dimension of Chinaʼs integration into the regional and global economy | titolo analitico
- Contractionary investment policies in China 1988/89 : accounting for the implementation difficulties and successes | titolo analitico
- A sub-provincial recipe of coastal development in China : the case of Qingdao | titolo analitico
- Rural welfare in Fujian, 1976-1978 : the Maoist legacy | titolo analitico
- Nation-building and curriculum reform in Hong Kong and Taiwan | titolo analitico
- Social origins of the Chinese scientific elite | titolo analitico
- Public space for memory in contemporary civil society : freedom to learn from the mirror of the past? | titolo analitico
- Seeking lost codes in the wilderness : the search for a Hainanese culture | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 1999 | titolo analitico
- Jiang Zeminʼs successors : the rise of the fourth generation of leaders in the PRC | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs America watchers : changing attitudes towards the United States | titolo analitico
- Foreign and domestic influences on Chinaʼs arms control and nonproliferation policies | titolo analitico
- The U.S. role in the Sino-Japanese dispute over the Diaoyu (Senkaku) islands : 1945-1971 | titolo analitico
- Negotiating the state : the development of social organizations in China | titolo analitico
- Banquet banking : gender and rotating savings and credit associations in South China | titolo analitico
- Re-examining the impact of the 1950 marriage law : state improvisation, local initiative and rural family change | titolo analitico
- The "rule of law" policy in Guangdong : continuity or departure? Meaning, significance and processes | titolo analitico
- The politics of the debate over the court of final appeal in Hong Kong | titolo analitico
- The clash over state and collective property : the making of the rangeland law | titolo analitico
- Forest claims, conflicts and commodification : the political ecology of Tibetan mushroom-harvesting villages in Yunnan province, China | titolo analitico
- Behind the scenes at the museum : nationalism, history and memory in the Beijing war of resistance museum : 1987-1997 | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 1999 | titolo analitico
- Introduction : elections and democracy in greater China | titolo analitico
- How elections promoted democracy in Taiwan under martial law | titolo analitico
- Elections, political change and basic law government : the Hong Kong system in search of a political form | titolo analitico
- Democracy deformed : Hong Kongʼs 1998 legislative elections - and beyond | titolo analitico
- Accommodating "democracy" in a one-party state : introducing village elections in China | titolo analitico
- The meaning of Chinaʼs village elections | titolo analitico
- Elections and power : the locus of decision-making in Chinese villages | titolo analitico
- Cultural values and democracy in the Peopleʼs Republic of China | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 2000 | titolo analitico
- Nothing but the truth : news media, power and hegemony in South China | titolo analitico
- Systemic irregularity ans spontaneous property transformation in the Chinese financial system | titolo analitico
- Environmental agency and public opinion in Guangzhou : the limits of a popular approach to environmental governance | titolo analitico
- Partial democratization, "foundation moment" and political parties in Hong Kong | titolo analitico
- China and the selection of Hong Kong's post-colonial political elite | titolo analitico
- Taxation without representation : peasants, the central and the local states in reform China | titolo analitico
- Chinese democratization in perspective : electorates and selectorates at the township level | titolo analitico
- Between state and peasant : local cadres and statistical reporting in rural China | titolo analitico
- Revitalizing the Stateʼs urban "nerve tips" | titolo analitico
- Online and on China : research sources in the information age | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 2000 | titolo analitico
- Revolutionary women and women in the revolution : the Chinese Communist Party and women in the war of resistance to Japan : 1937-1945 | titolo analitico
- "Treat insiders and outsiders differently" : the use and control of foreigners in the PRC | titolo analitico
- Migration and inter-household inequality : observations from Wanzai county, Jiangxi | titolo analitico
- How and why has poverty in China changed? : a study based on microdata for 1988 and 1995 | titolo analitico
- Into the trap of strengthening state capacity : Chinaʼs tax-assignment reform | titolo analitico
- From incorporation to exclusion : the employment experience of Taiwanese urban aborigines | titolo analitico
- The perception of Chinese Communism in Hong Kong : 1921-1934 | titolo analitico
- Constructing Chinese masculinity for the modern world : with particular reference to Lao Sheʼs The two mas | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 2000 | titolo analitico
- Aspects of the Taiwanese landscape in the 20th century | titolo analitico
- Transforming Taiwanʼs economic structure in the 20th century | titolo analitico
- Taiwan in the 20th century : model or victim? : development problems in a small Asian economy | titolo analitico
- Taiwan's social changes in the patterns of social solidarity in the 20th century | titolo analitico
- Constructing in a native consciousness : Taiwan literature in the 20th century | titolo analitico
- Political development in 20th-century Taiwan : state-building, regime transformation and the construction of national identity | titolo analitico
- Taiwan in Japanʼs security consideration | titolo analitico
- An uncertain relationship : the United States, Taiwan and the Taiwan relations act | titolo analitico
- Taiwan and South-East Asia : the limits to pragmatic diplomacy | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 2000 | titolo analitico
- Defence industrialization in Guangdong | titolo analitico
- Ownership restructuring in Chinese state industry : an analysis of evidence on initial organizational changes | titolo analitico
- Economic reforms and state sector bankruptcy in China | titolo analitico
- Into leather : state-led development and the private sector in Xinji | titolo analitico
- Who owns Chinaʼs land? : policies, property rights and deliberate institutional ambiguity | titolo analitico
- Land expropriation and rural conflicts in China | titolo analitico
- Trouble in the golden triangle : the United States, Taiwan and the 93rd nationalist division | titolo analitico
- Revolutionary history in stone : the making of a Chinese national monument | titolo analitico
- The Tiananmen papers | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 2001 | titolo analitico
- The political and social implications of China's accession to the WTO | titolo analitico
- The legal implications of Chinaʼs accession to the WTO | titolo analitico
- The WTO and China's financial system | titolo analitico
- The WTO and the telecommunications sector in China | titolo analitico
- The impact of WTO membership on the automobile industry in China | titolo analitico
- Why we cannot count the "unemployed" | titolo analitico
- The quality of Chinaʼs household income surveys | titolo analitico
- Dangers of differential comprehensions of Hong Kongʼs competitive advantages : evidence from firms and public servants | titolo analitico
- The Tiananmen Papers : an editorʼs reflections | titolo analitico
- Conversations with Gao Xingjian : the first "Chinese" winner of the Nobel prize for literature | titolo analitico
- Focus on Gao Xingjian : review article | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 2001 | titolo analitico
- The diplomatic face of Chinaʼs grand strategy : a rising powerʼs emerging choice | titolo analitico
- The restoration of Sino-Indian comity following Indiaʼs nuclear tests | titolo analitico
- Political and social trends in the Post-Deng urban China : crisis or stability | titolo analitico
- Reaching out and incorporating Chinese overseas : the trans-territorial scope of the PRC by the end of the 20th century | titolo analitico
- Whither the Kuomintang? | titolo analitico
- The democratic progressive party in 2000 : obstacles and opportunities | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs new scientific elite : distinguished young scientists, the research environment and hopes for Chinese science | titolo analitico
- Return to Zhenbao island : who started shooting and why it matters | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 2001 | titolo analitico
- Diplomatic relations and mutual strategic perceptions : China and the European Union | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs diplomatic relations with the States of Europe | titolo analitico
- Human rights, Europe and the Peopleʼs Republic of China | titolo analitico
- EU economic relations with China : an institutionalist perspective | titolo analitico
- Economic relations between the PRC and the states of Europe | titolo analitico
- The role of Hong Kong and Macau in Chinaʼs relations with Europe | titolo analitico
- A functional relationship : political extensions to Europe-Taiwan economic ties | titolo analitico
- Economic relations between Taiwan and Europe | titolo analitico
- Cultural relations between China and the member states of the European Union | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 2001 | titolo analitico
- Hegemony and workersʼ politics in China | titolo analitico
- Labour market reform and the plight of the laid-off proletariat | titolo analitico
- The resistance of Chinese laid-off workers in the reform period | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs contentious pensioners | titolo analitico
- Institutional reform and the Bianzhi system in China | titolo analitico
- The interplay of the "China factor" and US dollar peg in the Hong Kong economy | titolo analitico
- Explaining the financial performance of Chinaʼs industrial enterprises : beyond the competition-ownership controversy | titolo analitico
- Not all currency traders believe in unfettered free markets : currency speculation and market intervention in Hong Kong | titolo analitico
- The resilience of Guanxi and its new deployments : a critique of some new Guanxi scholarship | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 2002 | titolo analitico
- Changing windows on a changing China : the evolving "think tank" system and the case of the public security sector | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs international relations think tanks : evolving structure and process | titolo analitico
- Chinese civilian foreign policy research institutes : evolving roles and increasing influence | titolo analitico
- Chinese military-related think tanks and research institutions | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs economic think tanks : their changing role in the 1990s | titolo analitico
- An organizational analysis of the Falun Gong : structure, communications, financing | titolo analitico
- Framing dissent in contemporary China : irony, ambiguity and metonymy | titolo analitico
- The policy-making and political economy of the abolition of private ownership in the early 1950s : findings from new material | titolo analitico
- The politics of introducing direct township elections in China | titolo analitico
- From "rubber stamps" to "iron stamps" : the emergence of Chinese local peopleʼs congresses as supervisory powerhouses | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 2002 | titolo analitico
- Structuring local identity : nation, province and county in Shanxi during the 1990s | titolo analitico
- Regionalism versus ethnicnationalism in the Peopleʼs Republic of China | titolo analitico
- An angle on nationalism in China today : attitudes among Beijing students after Belgrade 1999 | titolo analitico
- The China Democracy Party and the politics of protest in the 1980s-1990s | titolo analitico
- Subduing "the rural house-building craze" : attitudes towards housing construction and land use controls in four Zhejiang villages | titolo analitico
- Prefecture-level statistics as a source of data for research into China's regional development | titolo analitico
- Tackling cross-border environmental problems in Hong Kong : initial responses and institutional constraints | titolo analitico
- Hong Kongʼs stunted political party system | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs hookworms | titolo analitico
- Learning to read Lu Xun : 1918-1923 : the emergence of a readership | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 2002 | titolo analitico
- The Sixteenth National Party Congress : the succession that didn't happen | titolo analitico
- Hu Jintao : the making of a Chinese general secretary | titolo analitico
- State capacity and local agent control in China : CCP cadre management from a township perspective | titolo analitico
- De-industrialization in the Chinese countryside : handicrafts and development in Jiajiang (Sichuan) : 1935 to 1978 | titolo analitico
- The cultural revolution in the countryside : scope, timing and human impact | titolo analitico
- The making of Zhishifenzi : the critical impact of the registration of unemployed intellectuals in the early PRC | titolo analitico
- "Fast, clear and accurate" : how reliable are Chinese output and economic growth statistics? | titolo analitico
- Just the facts, Ma'am : the challenge of analysing and assessing Chinese military expenditures | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs urbanization levels : reconstructing a baseline from the fifth population census | titolo analitico
- Maoʼs Soviet policies | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 2002 | titolo analitico
- Belief in control : regulation of religion in China | titolo analitico
- Local communal religion in contemporary South-east CHina | titolo analitico
- The cult of the silkworm mother as a core of local community religion in a North China village : field study in Zhiwuying, Boading, Hebei | titolo analitico
- A nameless but active religion : an anthropologistʼs view of local religion in Hong Kong and Macau | titolo analitico
- Religion and the state in post-war Taiwan | titolo analitico
- Daoism in China today : 1980-2002 | titolo analitico
- Buddhist China at the century's turn | titolo analitico
- Islam in China : accomodation or separatism? | titolo analitico
- Catholic revival during the reform era | titolo analitico
- Chinese protestant Christianity today | titolo analitico
- Healing sects and anti-cult campaigns | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 2003 | titolo analitico
- The "Falun Gong problem" : politics and the struggle for the rule of law in China | titolo analitico
- The life and times of Li Hongzhi : Falun Gong and religious biography | titolo analitico
- Collective ownership or cadresʼ ownership? : the non-agricultural use of farmland in China | titolo analitico
- Emerging land markets in rural and urban China : policies and pratices | titolo analitico
- The Chinese governmentʼs role in implementing multilateral environmental agreements : the case of the Montreal protocol | titolo analitico
- From the margins to the centre : the Uyghur challenge in Beijing | titolo analitico
- Re-engaging Chineseness : political, economic and cultural imperatives of nation-building in Singapore | titolo analitico
- "Downsizing" the Chinese state : government retrenchment in the 1990s | titolo analitico
- The emergence of labour camps in Shandong province : 1942-1950 | titolo analitico
- China and the Internet : a question of politics or management? | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 2003 | titolo analitico
- Leadership change and Chinese political development | titolo analitico
- Social change and political reform in CHina : meeting the challenge of success | titolo analitico
- State and society in Urban China in the wake of the 16th Party Congress | titolo analitico
- Power transition and the making of Beijing's policy towards Taiwan | titolo analitico
- Privatizing rural China : insider privatization, innovative contracts and the performance of township enterprises | titolo analitico
- Between the state and labour : the conflict of Chinese Trade Unions' double identity in market reform | titolo analitico
- Democratizing urban politics and civic environmentalism in Taiwan | titolo analitico
- Hong Kong and Japan : commerce, culture and contention | titolo analitico
- Symbiotic neighbour or extra-court judge? : the supervision over courts by Chinese Local Peopleʼs congresses | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 2003 | titolo analitico
- Turning peasants into modern Chinese citizens : "population quality" discourse, demographic transition and primary education | titolo analitico
- The Chinese energy security debate | titolo analitico
- Can "Tax-for-fee" reform reduce rural tension in China? : the process, progress and limitations | titolo analitico
- Between separate stoves and a single menu : fiscal decentralization in China | titolo analitico
- Rethinking the Taiwanese developmental state | titolo analitico
- Reformed migration control and new targeted people : China's Hukou system in the 2005 | titolo analitico
- Export expansion in the Peopleʼs republic of China since 1978 : a case study of the Pearl River delta | titolo analitico
- State, collectivism and worker privilege : a study of urban health insurance reform | titolo analitico
- The Shanghai re-employment model : from local experiment to nation-wide labour market policy | titolo analitico
- The Tiananmen papers revisited | titolo analitico
- Rejoinder to Alfred L. Chan | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 2003 | titolo analitico
- The campaign to "open up the west" : national, provincial-level and local perspectives | titolo analitico
- The emergence of the campaign to open up the west : ideological formation, central decision-making and the role of the provinces | titolo analitico
- Staged development in Xinjiang | titolo analitico
- Qinghai and the emergence of the West : nationalities, communal interaction and national integration | titolo analitico
- Shaanxi : building a future on state support | titolo analitico
- Schuan : driving capitalist development westward | titolo analitico
- Chongqing : opportunities and risks | titolo analitico
- Building a southern dynamo : Guizhou and state power | titolo analitico
- The mobilization of "nature" : perspectives from North-west Yunnan | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 2004 | titolo analitico
- Chinese middle class attitudes towards international affairs : nascent liberalization? | titolo analitico
- The political economy of coal mine disasters in China : "Your rice bowl or your life" | titolo analitico
- Negotiating the space of civil autonomy in Hong Kong : power, discourses and dramaturgical representations | titolo analitico
- The Falun Gong in China : a sociological perspective | titolo analitico
- Exhibiting the modern : the creation of the first Chinese museum : 1905-1930 | titolo analitico
- Cadre personnel management in China : the nomenklatura system : 1990-1998 | titolo analitico
- Globalization and transnatural human capital : overseas and returnee scholars to China | titolo analitico
- Non-agricultural land use in Post-reform China | titolo analitico
- Taiwanʼs "macedonian project" : 1999-2001 | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs techno-warriors : another view | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 2004 | titolo analitico
- The intensification of corruption in China | titolo analitico
- Dealing with non-performing loans : political constraints and financial policies in China | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs "city system" in flux : explaining post-Mao administrative changes | titolo analitico
- Tan Lifu : a "reactionary" Red Guard in historical perspective | titolo analitico
- The Shanghai co-operation organization : China's changing influence in Central Asia | titolo analitico
- Spreading telecommunications to developing areas in China : telephones, the Internet and the digital divide | titolo analitico
- Nested pyramid structures : political parties in Taiwanese elections | titolo analitico
- Development of land rental markets in rural Zhejiang : growth of off-farm jobs and institution building | titolo analitico
- Educating migrant children : negotiations between the state and civil society | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 2004 | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 1984 | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 1985 | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 1985 | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 1985 | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 1985 | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 1986 | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 1986 | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : july-september 1986 | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 1986 | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 1987 | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : april-june 1987 | titolo analitico
- Regulatory innovation by Leninist means : Communist Party supervision in China's financial industry | titolo analitico
- Migration as the second-best option : local power and off-farm employment | titolo analitico
- Environmental NGOs and institutional dynamics in China | titolo analitico
- Same sex desire and society in Taiwan : 1970-1987 | titolo analitico
- The dance of revolution : Yangge in Beijing in the early 1950s | titolo analitico
- Childrenʼs social welfare in China, 1989-1997 : access to health insurance and education | titolo analitico
- Welfare provision for vulnerable children : the missing role of the state | titolo analitico
- Health finance in rural Henan : low premium insurance compared to the out-of-pocket system | titolo analitico
- Measuring Taiwanese public opinion on Taiwanese independence | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : october-december 2004 | titolo analitico
- Missile science, population science : the origins of Chinaʼs one-child policy | titolo analitico
- "Why don't we arm the left?" : Maoʼs culpability for the cultural revolutionʼs "Great chaos" of 1967 | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs legislation law and the making of a more orderly and representative legislative system | titolo analitico
- Political institutions, resistance anc Chinaʼs harmonization with international law | titolo analitico
- Central-provincial relations at the CCP central committees : institutions, measurement and empirical trends : 1978-2002 | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs household income and its distribution, 1995 and 2002 | titolo analitico
- Taiwan and the new regional political economy of East Asia | titolo analitico
- Ethnic entrepreneurship and ethnic identiy : a case study among the Liangshan Yi (Nuosu) in China | titolo analitico
- Quarterly chronicle and documentation : january-march 2005 | titolo analitico
- Bourgeois bohemians in China? : neo-tribes and the urban imaginary | titolo analitico
- Chinese cinema in the age of advertisement : the filmmaker as a cultural broker | titolo analitico
- Museums, memorial sites and exhibitionary culture in the Peopleʼs Republic of China | titolo analitico
- China on the catwalk : between economic success and nationalist anxiety | titolo analitico
- Popular music and youth in urban China : the Dakou generation | titolo analitico
- Reggae on the Silk Road : the globalization of Uyghur pop | titolo analitico
- Not quite karaoke : poetry in contemporary China | titolo analitico
- Virtual Chinese literature : a comparative case study of online poetry communities | titolo analitico
- Urban consumer culture | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs soft centralization : shifting Tiao/Kuai authority relations | titolo analitico
- Re-education through labour in historical perspective | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs "new thinking" on Japan | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs 1979 war with Vietnam : a reassessment | titolo analitico
- Political and media liberalization and political corruption in Taiwan | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs religious freedom policy : the art of managing religious activity | titolo analitico
- The red line : creating a museum of the Chinese revolution | titolo analitico
- Residential space and collective interest formation in Beijingʼs housing disputes | titolo analitico
- Development of Chinaʼs overland transportation links with Central, South-west and South Asia | titolo analitico
- Powershed politics : Yunnan hydropower under great Western development | titolo analitico
- Privatization and its discontents in Chinese factories | titolo analitico
- How has economic restructuring affected Chinaʼs urban workers? | titolo analitico
- The production of the Chiang Kai-shek personality cult, 1929-1975 | titolo analitico
- Dissidence and accommodation : the publishing history of Yang Lian from Today to today | titolo analitico
- Graduate unemployment : dilemmas and challenges in Chinaʼs move to mass higher education | titolo analitico
- The first encounter : peasant resistance to state control of grain in East China in the mid-1950s | titolo analitico
- State sector reform and agriculture in China | titolo analitico
- Suzhi : a keyword approach | titolo analitico
- Disaggregating the state : networks and collective resistance in Shanghai | titolo analitico
- An emerging environmental movement in China? | titolo analitico
- Political office and household wealth : rural China in the Deng era | titolo analitico
- The political economy of township government debt, township enterprises and rural financial institutions in China | titolo analitico
- Xu Jilin and the thought work of Chinaʼs public intellectuals | titolo analitico
- Mao Zedong and the famine of 1959-1960 : a study in wilfulness | titolo analitico
- War or stratagem? : reassessing Chinaʼs military advance towards Tibet, 1942-1943 | titolo analitico
- Land and territorial politics in urban China | titolo analitico
- The politics of lawmaking in Chinese local peopleʼs congresses | titolo analitico
- Dynamics of internationalization and outward investment : Chinese corporations' strategies | titolo analitico
- Charting the state of social cohesion in Hong Kong | titolo analitico
- Mao in perspective | titolo analitico
- Jack Gray, Mao Zedong and the political economy of Chinese development | titolo analitico
- The last of the romantics? : Maoist economic development in retrospect | titolo analitico
- Culture, revolution, and the times of history : Mao and 20th-century China | titolo analitico
- Mao and agriculture in Chinaʼs industrialization : three antitheses in a 50-year perspective | titolo analitico
- The origins of the general line for the transition period and of the acceleration of the Chinese socialist transformation in summer 1955 | titolo analitico
- Why did it go so high? : political mobilization and agricultural collectivization in China | titolo analitico
- The high tide in Jiangsu : a perspective from local sources of the time | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs high tide of socialism of 1955 : strategic choices and paths not taken, some changing perspectives | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs internationalization in the early Peopleʼs Republic : dreams of a socialist world economy | titolo analitico
- Morality, coercion and state building by campaign in the early PRC : regime consolidation and after, 1949-1956 | titolo analitico
- Dilemmas of inside agitators : Chinese state feminists in 1957 | titolo analitico
- Aspects of an institutionalizing political system : China, 1958-1965 | titolo analitico
- Squeezing the peasants : grain extraction, food consumption and rural living standards in Maoʼs China | titolo analitico
- Local cadres confront the supernatural : the politics of holy water (Shenshuī) in the PRC, 1949-1966 | titolo analitico
- Factional conflict at Beijing university, 1966-1968 | titolo analitico
- Zheng Junli, complicity and the cultural history of socialist China, 1949-1976 | titolo analitico
- In search of a master narrative for 20th-century Chinese history | titolo analitico
- The China quarterly and the history of the PRC | titolo analitico
- Linking up with the international track : whatʼs in a slogan? | titolo analitico
- Fidel Castro and "Chinaʼs lesson for Cuba" : a Chinese perspective | titolo analitico
- From the tax-for-fee reform to the abolition of agricultural taxes | titolo analitico
- Gendered pathways to rural schooling : the interplay of wealth and local institutions | titolo analitico
- Regulating intellectual life in China : the case of the Chinese academy of social sciences | titolo analitico
- Bureaucracy meets the environment : elite perceptions in six Chinese cities | titolo analitico
- How do Chinese civic associations respond to the Internet? : findings from a survey | titolo analitico
- Contemporary re-emergence of the qipao : political nationalism, cultural production and popular consumption of a traditional Chinese dress | titolo analitico
- The rise and fall of Leninist control in Taiwanʼs industry | titolo analitico
- The changing ecology of foreign policy-making in China : the ascension and demise of the theory of "peaceful rise" | titolo analitico
- Building Chinaʼs telecommunications network : industrial policy and the role of Chinese state-owned, foreign and private domestic enterprises | titolo analitico
- Tourism, development and poverty reduction in Guizhou and Yunnan | titolo analitico
- The recent decline in economic caseloads in Chinese courts : exploration of a surprising puzzle | titolo analitico
- Lee Teng-hui and the idea of "Taiwan" | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs "new remembering" of the anti-Japanese war of resistance, 1937-1945 | titolo analitico
- Maoʼs parades : state spectacles in China in the 1950s | titolo analitico
- Embodied masculinity : sex and sport in a (post) colonial Chinese city | titolo analitico
- Comparing poverty among older people in urban China internationally | titolo analitico
- Women as state-builders in Qinghai province : evidence from the 2000 census | titolo analitico
- Legislating for a market economy in China | titolo analitico
- Commentary on "Legislating for a market economy in China" | titolo analitico
- New hope for corporate governance in China? | titolo analitico
- Commentary on "New hope for corporate governance in China?" | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs courts : restricted reform | titolo analitico
- Commentary on "Chinaʼs courts: restricted reform" | titolo analitico
- Principals and secret agents : central versus local control over policing and obstacles to "Rule of law" in China | titolo analitico
- The police and the rule of law : commentary on "Principals and secret agents" | titolo analitico
- Transforming family law in post-Deng China : marriage, divorce and reproduction | titolo analitico
- Commentary on "Transforming family law in post-Deng China" | titolo analitico
- China and the international legal system : challenges of participation | titolo analitico
- Commentary on "China and the international legal system: challenges of participation" | titolo analitico
- Trade, investment and beyond : the impact of WTO accession on Chinaʼs legal system | titolo analitico
- Commentary on "Trade, investment and beyond" | titolo analitico
- Integrating wealth and power in China : the Communist Partyʼs embrace of the private sector | titolo analitico
- From resisting to "embracing?" the one-child rule : understanding new fertility trends in a central China village | titolo analitico
- Clans for markets : the social organization of inter-firm trading relations in Chinaʼs automobile industry | titolo analitico
- Rural households, dragon heads and associations : a case study of sweet potato processing in Sichuan province | titolo analitico
- The political ecology of pollution enforcement in China : a case from Sichuanʼs rural industrial sector | titolo analitico
- Ethnicization through schooling : the mainstream discursive repertoires of ethnic minorities | titolo analitico
- State-press relationship in post-1997 Hong Kong : constant negotiation amidst self-restraint | titolo analitico
- The making of Chinese intellectuals : representations and organization in the thought reform campaign | titolo analitico
- Was Japanese colonialism good for the welfare of Taiwanese? : stature and the standard of living | titolo analitico
- Protest leadership in rural China | titolo analitico
- Local governments and the suppression of popular resistance in China | titolo analitico
- Justice from above or below? : popular strategies for resolving grievances in rural China | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs emerging credit rating industry : the official foundations of private authority | titolo analitico
- Making sense of participation : the political culture of pro-democracy demonstrators in Hong Kong | titolo analitico
- Reconsidering the campaign to suppress counterrevolutionaries | titolo analitico
- The 1967 riots in Hong Kong : the diplomatic and domestic fronts of the colonial governor | titolo analitico
- Governance reform towards "serving migrant workers" : the local implementation of central government regulations | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs 2004 economic census and 2006 benchmark revision of GDP statistics : more questions than answers? | titolo analitico
- Environmental cleanup and health gains from Beijingʼs green olympics | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs foreign policy in sport : the primacy of national security and territorial integrity concerning the Taiwan question | titolo analitico
- Learning to co-operate : Chinaʼs multilateral approach to Asian financial co-operation | titolo analitico
- Feminization of agriculture in China? : myths surrounding womenʼs participation in farming | titolo analitico
- Corruption in transitional China : an empirical analysis | titolo analitico
- Message in a bottle : lyrical laments and emotional expression in mandopop | titolo analitico
- Japanese occupation, Shanghai exiles, and postwar Hong Kong cinema | titolo analitico
- Studies of contemporary Chinese politics in Korea : an assessment | titolo analitico
- Frontline soldiers of the CCP : the selection of Chinaʼs township leaders | titolo analitico
- From labour to capital : intra-village inequality in rural China, 1988-2006 | titolo analitico
- Retreat from equality or advance towards efficiency? : land markets and inequality in rural Zhejiang | titolo analitico
- Danwei profitability and earnings inequality in urban China | titolo analitico
- Is China abolishing the hukou system? | titolo analitico
- When Communist party candidates can lose, who wins? : assessing the role of local Peopleʼs congresses in the selection of leaders in China | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs shifting attitude towards United Nations peacekeeping operations | titolo analitico
- Policy metamorphosis in China : a case study of minban education in Shanghai | titolo analitico
- The political economy of land reform in Chinaʼs "newly liberated areas" : evidence from Wuxi county | titolo analitico
- An introduction to survey research on Chinese politics | titolo analitico
- The Chinese urban caste system in transition | titolo analitico
- Allies of the state : democratic support and regime support among Chinaʼs private entrepreneurs | titolo analitico
- Understanding the falsification of village income statistics | titolo analitico
- Training Chinaʼs political elite : the party school system | titolo analitico
- All-China federation of trades unions beyond reform? : the slow march of direct elections | titolo analitico
- Buddhism in Singapore-China relations : Venerable Hong Choon and his visits, 1982-1990 | titolo analitico
- Can the weak defeat the strong? : Maoʼs evolving approach to asymmetric warfare in Yanʼan | titolo analitico
- Campaign advertising and democracy in Taiwan | titolo analitico
- The Beijing Olympics as a campaign of mass distraction | titolo analitico
- Media, the Olympics and the search for the real China | titolo analitico
- Beijingʼs Olympic education programme : re-thinking suzhi education, re-imagining an international China | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs flat earth : history and 8 August 2008 | titolo analitico
- Chinese thinking on the future of international relations : realism as the Ti, rationalism as the Yong? | titolo analitico
- Assessing the "revive the northeast" (zhenxing dongbei) programme : origins, policies and implementation | titolo analitico
- Village elections and redistribution of political power and collective property | titolo analitico
- Womenʼs participation in village autonomy in China : evidence from Zhejiang province | titolo analitico
- Protestant and online : the case of Aiyan | titolo analitico
- Civic solidarity in Hong Kong and Taiwan | titolo analitico
- Understanding variation in the design of Chinaʼs new co-operative medical system | titolo analitico
- Post-earthquake relief and reconstruction efforts : the emergence of civil society in China? | titolo analitico
- Little quilted vests to warm parents' hearts : redefining the gendered practice of filial piety in rural North-eastern China | titolo analitico
- The good book and the good life : bestselling biographies in Chinaʼs economic reform | titolo analitico
- Planting rice on the roof of the UN building : analysing Taiwanʼs Chinese techniques in Africa, 1961-present | titolo analitico
- We want to go home| : the great petition of the Zhiqing, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, 1978-1979 | titolo analitico
- Environmental activism, social networks and the Internet | titolo analitico
- Gaps in the Silk Road : an analysis of population health disparities in the Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region of China | titolo analitico
- The question of identity in recent scholarship on the history of Taiwan | titolo analitico
- Harmony and discord in Chinaʼs Africa strategy : some implications for foreign policy | titolo analitico
- Fuelling the dragon : Chinaʼs rise and its energy and resources extraction in Africa | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs Sudan engagement : changing Northern and Southern political trajectories in peace and war | titolo analitico
- In it for the long term? : governance and learning among Chinese investors in Zambiaʼs copper sector | titolo analitico
- Raw encounters : Chinese managers, African workers and the politics of casualization in Africaʼs Chinese enclaves | titolo analitico
- The Chinese amigo : implications for the development of Equatorial Guinea | titolo analitico
- Chinaʼs engagement in African agriculture : "down to the countryside" | titolo analitico
- Chinese shops and the formation of a Chinese expatriate community in Namibia | titolo analitico
- African perspectives on China-Africa links | titolo analitico
- Representations of Africa in a Hong Kong soap opera : the limits of enlightened humanitarianism in The last breakthrough | titolo analitico
- The past in the present : historical and rhetorical lineages in Chinaʼs relations with Africa | titolo analitico
- Rebuilding government for the 21st century : can China incrementally reform the public sector? | titolo analitico
- Marketization, centralization and globalization of cadre training in contemporary China | titolo analitico
- The political economy of earmarked transfers in a state-designated poor county in Western China : central policies and local responses | titolo analitico
- Fragmented authoritarianism 2.0 : political pluralization in the Chinese policy process | titolo analitico
- Between owner and regulator : governing the business of Chinaʼs telecommunications service industry | titolo analitico
- Income inequality and distributive justice : a comparative analysis of mainland China and Hong Kong | titolo analitico
- To serve revenge for the dead : Chinese communist responses to Japanese war crimes in the PRC foreign ministry archive, 1949-1956 | titolo analitico
- The production of indigeneity : contemporary indigenous literature in Taiwan and trans-cultural inheritance | titolo analitico
- Redistributive nature of the Chinese social benefit system: progressive or regressive? | titolo analitico
- On the edge between "the people" and "the population" : ethnographic research on the minimum livelihood guarantee | titolo analitico
- What is new in the new rural co-operative medical system? : an assessment in one Kazak county of the Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region | titolo analitico
- Civil service reform in China : impacts on civil servants' behaviour | titolo analitico
- Gauging the elite political equilibrium in the CCP : a quantitative approach using biographical data | titolo analitico
- Trade unions and the quadripartite interactions in strike settlement in China | titolo analitico
- The listing of Chinese state-owned banks and their path to banking and ownership reform | titolo analitico
- Dynamic statism and memory politics : a case analysis of the Chinese war reparations movement | titolo analitico
- Dealing with responsibility for the great leap famine in the Peopleʼs Republic of China | titolo analitico
- Who believes propaganda? : media effects during the anti-Japanese protests in Beijing | titolo analitico
- Images of the world : studying abroad and Chinese attitudes towards international affairs | titolo analitico
- Agency empowerment through the administrative litigation law : court enforcement of pollution levies in Hubei province | titolo analitico
- Is Chinese education underfunded? | titolo analitico
- Affirmative action, economic reforms, and Han-Uyghur variation in job attainment in the state sector in Urumchi | titolo analitico
- Northern exposure : cross-regionalism and the China-Iceland preferential trade negotiations | titolo analitico
- Making heritage in Hong Kong : a case study of the central police station compound | titolo analitico
- The anti-unity sect campaign and mass mobilization in the early Peopleʼs Republic of China | titolo analitico
- A survey report on Chinese journalists in China | titolo analitico
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periodico | Testo
BID: MIL0113045
Anno: 1960
Editore: Contemporary China institute
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