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Copertina di: An architectural progress in the Renaissance and Baroque : sojourns in and out of Italy : essays in architectural history presented to Hellmut Hager on his 66. birthday

An architectural progress in the Renaissance and Baroque : sojourns in and out of Italy : essays...

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Descrizione bibliografica

An architectural progress in the Renaissance and Baroque : sojourns in and out of Italy : essays in architectural history presented to Hellmut Hager on his 66. birthday / ed. by Henry A. Millon and Susan Scott Munshower. - University Park : The Pennsylvania State University. - v. : ill. ; 28 cm. ((In custodia.

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monografia | Testo

ISBN: 0915773074 BID: VEA0061851




Editore: The Pennsylvania State University

Collana: Papers in art history from the Pennsylvania State University; 8

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