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Copertina di: Fine old master pictures, the properties of the Lord Aldenham, the late Mrs. E. Salmeier, Colonel Sir Joseph Weld, the late Lord Wraxall, and from various sources : which will be sold at Christie's Great Rooms on Friday 29 May 1981

Fine old master pictures, the properties of the Lord Aldenham, the late Mrs. E. Salmeier, Colonel...

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Descrizione bibliografica

Fine old master pictures, the properties of the Lord Aldenham, the late Mrs. E. Salmeier, Colonel Sir Joseph Weld, the late Lord Wraxall, and from various sources : which will be sold at Christie's Great Rooms on Friday 29 May 1981 / Christie, Manson & Woods. - [S.l. : s.n., 1981] (London : White Bros.). - 57 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. ((Catalogo di vendita. - Codice asta: Troubador.

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monografia | Testo

BID: UBO3976077




Anno: 1981

Editore: s.n.


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