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Live in New York city

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Live in New York city / Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. - [New York] : Columbia, 2001. - 2 compact disc (139 min 36 s compless.) : stereo ; 12 cm + 1 fasc. ((Contiene: CD1: My love will not let you down ; Prove it all night ; Two hearts ; Atlantic city ; Mansion on the hill ; The river ; Youngstown ; Murder incorporated ; Badlands ; Out in the street ; Born to run. - CD2: Tenth avenue freeze-out ; Land of hope and dreams ; American skin (41 shots) ; Lost in the flood ; Born in the USA ; Don't look back ; Jungleland ; Ramrod ; If I should fall behind. - Produced by Bruce Springsteen and Chuck Plotkin.

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  • Bruce Springsteen and the E street band live in New York city. | titolo sviluppato o estrapolato (UBO1609385)


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Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Registrazione sonora musicale

BID: UBO1609384




Anno: 2001

Editore: Columbia

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