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Copertina di: A third letter to a person of quality, being a vindication of the former, in answer to a late pamphlet intituled A discourse of the use of images, &c. Licensed, August the 2d. 1687

A third letter to a person of quality, being a vindication of the former, in answer to a late...

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Descrizione bibliografica

A third letter to a person of quality, being a vindication of the former, in answer to a late pamphlet intituled A discourse of the use of images, &c. Licensed, August the 2d. 1687. - London : printed for Ben. Griffin, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor near Stationers Hall, 1687. - [2!, 34 p ; 4º. ((Per il nome dell'A., Edward Pelling, cfr. Copac on-line. - Segn.: [A!²(-A1) B-D⁴ ²D⁴ E²(-E2). - Front. in cornice xilogr.

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BID: TO0E123940




Anno: 1687

Editore: printed for Ben. Griffin

Impronta: e.ch n-s. nyes 'h'w (3) 1687 (A)

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