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Copertina di: Campaigns of field-marshal his grace, the most noble Arthur, duke of Wellington ... detailing all the celebrated battles gained by the English armies ... Embellished with twenty four elegant engravings, and a superb equestrian portrait of his grace, beautifully executed by the celebrated J. Duplessi Bertaux

Campaigns of field-marshal his grace, the most noble Arthur, duke of Wellington ... detailing all...

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Campaigns of field-marshal his grace, the most noble Arthur, duke of Wellington ... detailing all the celebrated battles gained by the English armies ... Embellished with twenty four elegant engravings, and a superb equestrian portrait of his grace, beautifully executed by the celebrated J. Duplessi Bertaux. - Paris : printed by Didot sen.r for. Galignani, bookseller, rue Vivienne; and sold in London : by Booth [etc.!, [1817!. - [220! p., [25! c. di tav. : ill. ; fol. ((Precede il front.: ritr. del duca di Wellington datato 1817. - Ill. calcogr. - Testo in inglese e francese.

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monografia | Testo

BID: TO0E106679




Anno: 1817

Editore: printed by Didot sen.r for. Galignani

Impronta: i.t, ofis .*n, (1hi (C) 1817 (Q)

Dove lo trovi


    Collocazione: L.53.44 Solo consultazione

    Inventario: DC-13492

    Precisazione inventario: Legatura in mezza pelle del sec. 19. - Tassello con titolo impresso in oro sul dorso. - Sul contropiatto ant.: ex libris del 1832.

    Fruibilità: Solo Consultazione

    Consistenza: 1 es.

    Provenienza: Carlo Alberto <re di Sardegna>, Nota: ex libris del 1832