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Copertina di: One planet living : a small introduction to a big idea: how we can all enjoy a happy, healthy life within our fair share of the Earth's resources

One planet living : a small introduction to a big idea: how we can all enjoy a happy, healthy...

Altri autori:

King, Paul [Autore] | da Wikipedia

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Descrizione bibliografica

One planet living : a small introduction to a big idea: how we can all enjoy a happy, healthy life within our fair share of the Earth's resources / by Pooran Desai and Paul King ; foreward by Kevin McCloud. - Bristol : Alastair Sawday, c2006. - 128 p. : ill. ; 14 x 15cm.

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Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Testo

ISBN: 9781901970852 BID: TO01683914




Anno: 2006

Editore: Alastair Sawday


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