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Guide to the methodical study of monuments and causes of their deterioration

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Descrizione bibliografica

Guide to the methodical study of monuments and causes of their deterioration / Guglielmo De Angelis D'Ossat. - Rome : International centre for the study of preservation and restoration of cultural property, stampa 1972. - 46 p. ; 24 cm. ((In testa al front.: Faculty of architecture, University of Rome; International centre for the study of the preservation of cultural property. - Testo anche in italiano. - Sul dorso n. 6

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  • Guida allo studio metodico dei monumenti e delle loro cause di deterioramento. | titolo parallelo (SBL0614091)

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monografia | Testo

BID: SBL0447196 BNI7210598




Anno: 1972

Editore: International centre for the study of preservation and restoration of cultural property

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