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Copertina di: French painting in the time of Jean De Berry : the Limbourgs and their contemporaries

French painting in the time of Jean De Berry : the Limbourgs and their contemporaries

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Descrizione bibliografica

French painting in the time of Jean De Berry : the Limbourgs and their contemporaries / by Millard Meiss ; with the assistance of Sharon Off Dunlap Smith and Elizabeth Home Beatson. - New York : Braziller : The Pierpont Morgan Library, 1974. - 2 v. ; 31 cm.

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  • The Limbourgs and their contemporaries | titolo sviluppato o estrapolato (PAR0987448)


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monografia | Testo

ISBN: 0807607347 BID: SBL0221326




Anno: 1974

Editore: The Pierpont Morgan Library

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