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Matisse in the collection of the Museum of modern art, including remainder-interest and promised...

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Descrizione bibliografica

Matisse in the collection of the Museum of modern art, including remainder-interest and promised gifts / John Elderfield ; with additional texts by William S. Lieberman and Riva Castleman. - New York : Museum of modern art, © 1978. - 232 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. ((Pubblicazione in occasione di una mostra tenuta al Museum of modern art, New York

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  • Matisse in the collection of the Museum of modern art, including remainder-interest and promised gifts | titolo di raggruppamento controllato (UBO4526971)

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monografia | Testo

ISBN: 0870704710 BID: SBL0166740




Anno: 1978

Editore: Museum of modern art


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