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Ezekiel 1 : a commentary on the book of the phophet Ezekiel, chapters 1-24

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Descrizione bibliografica

Ezekiel 1 : a commentary on the book of the phophet Ezekiel, chapters 1-24 / by Walther Zimmerli ; translated by Ronald E. Clements ; edited by Frank Moore Cross and Klaus Baltzer with the assistence of Leonard Jay Greenspoon. - Philadelphia : Fortress press, c1979. - XLIV, 509 p. ; 25 cm.

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Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Testo

ISBN: 0800660080 BID: PUV0907732




Anno: 1979

Editore: Fortress press

Collana: Hermeneia : a critical and historical commentary of the Bible;

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