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Song album

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Descrizione bibliografica

Song album / Leonard Bernstein. - [Spartito!. - [New York! : Boosey & Hawkes Jalni publication, ©1988. - 1 spartito (81 p.) ; 30 cm. ((Canto e pianoforte. - Contiene: I hate music : (A cycle of five kid songs) ; La bonne cusine : (Four recipes) ; Two love songs : Extinguish my eyes ; When my soul touches yours ; So pretty ; Piccola serenata ; Silhouette : (Galilee) ; A simple song : (from Mass) ; I go on : (from Mass) ; Take care of this house : (from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue) ; It must be so : (from Candide) ; My house : (from Peter Pan) ; Peter, Peter : (from Peter Pan) ; Who am I? : (from Peter Pan)

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  • Songs. voce. orchestra. riduzione. voce. pianoforte : scelta | titolo di raggruppamento controllato (TO01436631)

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Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Musica notata

BID: LO10893142




Anno: 1988

Editore: Boosey & Hawkes Jalni publication


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