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Il contrabbasso nel jazz

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Il contrabbasso nel jazz. - [Milano] : Rusconi, p1991. - 1 compact disc (56 min 33 s) : ADD, stereo ; 12 cm. ((Contiene: Get the "L" on down the road, Freeze and melt, Blue of Israel, 8,9 & 10, Big noise from Winnetka, It feels so good, Pluckin the bass, Blues, For bass faces only, Head hunters, Bass mood, I never knew, Untitled blues, What is this thing called love, Walkin, Autumn leaves. - Ed. f.c. allegata a Musica Jazz n. 10/91.

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monografia | Registrazione sonora musicale

BID: LO10496982




Anno: 1991

Editore: Rusconi

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