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Copertina di: Three men in a boat, to say nothing of the dog|

Three men in a boat, to say nothing of the dog|

Altri autori:

Clemen, Gina D. B. | da Wikipedia

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Descrizione bibliografica

Three men in a boat, to say nothing of the dog| / Jerome K. Jerome ; text adaptation, notes and activities by Gina D. B. Clemen. - Genoa : CIDEB, 1998. - 136 p. : ill. ; 21 cm + 1 audiocassetta.

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  • Three men in a boat. | titolo sviluppato o estrapolato (CFI0402249)
  • Three men in a boat | titolo di raggruppamento controllato (CUB0351409)

Altre informazioniinfo

Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Testo

ISBN: 8877543574 BID: CFI0402247




Anno: 1998

Editore: CIDEB

Collana: Reading and training;


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