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Copertina di: Drawings of views of Rome, Florence and elsewhere by Giuseppe Zocchi (Florence 1711-1767), the property of Mrs. D. Herbert of South Africa : Wednesday, 11. July, 1979

Drawings of views of Rome, Florence and elsewhere by Giuseppe Zocchi (Florence 1711-1767), the...

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Descrizione bibliografica

Drawings of views of Rome, Florence and elsewhere by Giuseppe Zocchi (Florence 1711-1767), the property of Mrs. D. Herbert of South Africa : Wednesday, 11. July, 1979 / Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. - London : Sotheby's, 1979. - 67 p. : ill. ; 25 cm + listino. ((Catalogo di vendita. - Codice asta: ZOCCHI.

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  • Catalogue of drawings of views of Rome, Florence and elsewhere by Giuseppe Zocchi | titolo sviluppato o estrapolato (VEA1265147)

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monografia | Testo

BID: BVE0425564




Anno: 1979

Editore: Sotheby's


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