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Copertina di: The fabrication of Leonardo da Vinci's Trattato sulla pittura : with a scholarly edition princeps (1651) and an annotated English translation

The fabrication of Leonardo da Vinci's Trattato sulla pittura : with a scholarly edition princeps...

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The fabrication of Leonardo da Vinci's Trattato sulla pittura : with a scholarly edition princeps (1651) and an annotated English translation / by Claire Farago, Janis Bell, Carlo Vecce ; with a foreword by Martin Kemp ; and additional contributions by Juliana Barone... [et al.]. - Leiden [etc] : Brill, 2018. - 2 volumi ; 25 cm

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  • Trattato sulla pittura | titolo subordinato (NAP0791167)


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Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Testo

ISBN: 9789004353756 BID: NAP0791166




Anno: 2018

Editore: Brill

Collana: Brillʼs studies in intellectual history; 263

Brillʼs studies in intellectual history. Brillʼs studies on art, art history and intellectual history; 18

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