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Copertina di: I, Claudius : from the autobiography of Tiberius Claudius emperor of the Romans, born 10 B.C., murdered and deified A.D. 54

I, Claudius : from the autobiography of Tiberius Claudius emperor of the Romans, born 10 B.C.,...

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Descrizione bibliografica

I, Claudius : from the autobiography of Tiberius Claudius emperor of the Romans, born 10 B.C., murdered and deified A.D. 54 / Robert Graves. - New ed. - Harmondsworth : Penguin books, 1953. - 395 p. ; 18 cm

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  • I, Claudius | titolo di raggruppamento controllato (RAV0041286)

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Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Testo

ISBN: 0140003185 BID: RML0068523




Anno: 1953

Editore: Penguin books

Collana: Penguin books; 318

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