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Music from great shakespearean films

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Descrizione bibliografica

Music from great shakespearean films / Bernard Herrmann conducting The National Philharmonic Orchestra. - London : The Decca record, p1975. - 1 disco sonoro : 33 1/3 rpm, stereo ; 30 cm. ((Raccoglie musiche da film a tema shakespeariano. - Contiene: Lato A: Shostakovich: Suite from Incidental Music to the Film "Hamlet": 1- Introduction 2- Ball at thePalace 3- The Ghost 4- Scene of the Poisoning 5- The Arrival and Scene of the Players 6- The Duel and Death of Hamlet. Lato B: 1- Walton: Prelude: Richard III / Rozsa: Suite from Incidental Music to "Julius Caesar": 2- The Ides of March 3- Caesar's Ghost 4- Approach of Octavian's Army and Death of Brutus.

Altre informazioniinfo

Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Registrazione sonora musicale

BID: TO01472901




Anno: 1975

Editore: The Decca record


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