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Copertina di: Letters of William 3. and Louis 14. and of their ministers : illustrative of the domestic and foreign politics of England from the peace of Ryswick to the accession of Philip 5. of Spain, 1697 to 1700

Letters of William 3. and Louis 14. and of their ministers : illustrative of the domestic and...

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Descrizione bibliografica

Letters of William 3. and Louis 14. and of their ministers : illustrative of the domestic and foreign politics of England from the peace of Ryswick to the accession of Philip 5. of Spain, 1697 to 1700 / edited by Paul Grimblot. - London : Longman, Brown, Green and Longmas. - v. ; 23 cm.

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monografia | Testo

BID: TO01300439




Editore: Longman


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