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Copertina di: The narrow road to the deep North, and other travel sketches

The narrow road to the deep North, and other travel sketches

Altri autori:

Yuasa, Nobuyuki | da Wikipedia

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Descrizione bibliografica

The narrow road to the deep North, and other travel sketches / Bashō ; translated from the Japanese with an introduction by Nobuyuki Yuasa. - Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1966. - 167 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.

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  • The narrow road to the deep North. | titolo sviluppato o estrapolato (TO01761083)

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Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Testo

ISBN: 9780140441857 BID: MIL0706237




Anno: 1966

Editore: Penguin

Collana: Penguin classics;

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