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Copertina di: The ordeal of Richard Feverel : a history of father and son

The ordeal of Richard Feverel : a history of father and son

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Descrizione bibliografica

The ordeal of Richard Feverel : a history of father and son / by George Meredith. - Leipzig : Bernhard Tauchnitz. - v. ; 16 cm.

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  • The ordeal of Richard Feverel : a history of father and son. | titolo di raggruppamento controllato (MIL0338007)


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  • 2 | Titolo non significativo

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Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Testo

BID: MIL0338004




Anno: 1875

Editore: Bernhard Tauchnitz

Collana: Collection of British authors; 1508-1509

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