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Copertina di: English drawings, Stuart and Georgian periods, in the collection of His Majesty the King at Windsor Castle

English drawings, Stuart and Georgian periods, in the collection of His Majesty the King at...

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Descrizione bibliografica

English drawings, Stuart and Georgian periods, in the collection of His Majesty the King at Windsor Castle / by A. P. Oppé. - London : Phaidon press, 1950. - 215 p., [1] c. di tav. : ill. ; 30 cm.

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  • English drawings at Windsor Castle. | titolo sviluppato o estrapolato (VEA1079736)

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Livello bibliografico e tipo di documento

monografia | Testo

BID: LO10350230




Anno: 1950

Editore: Phaidon press

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