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Copertina di: Color and fire: defining moments in studio ceramics, 1950-2000 : selections from the Smits collection and related works at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Color and fire: defining moments in studio ceramics, 1950-2000 : selections from the Smits...

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Descrizione bibliografica

Color and fire: defining moments in studio ceramics, 1950-2000 : selections from the Smits collection and related works at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art / [a cura di] Jo Lauria ; with contributions by Gretchen Adkins... [et al.]. - Los Angeles : LACMA ; New York : Rizzoli International, 2000. - 251 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. ((Mostra itinerante tenuta dal 4 giugno 2000 al 7 ottobre 2001.

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monografia | Testo

ISBN: 0847822540 BID: BVE0181957




Anno: 2000

Editore: Rizzoli International


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